Before Your Child Heads to College

The number of students abandoning their faith in college is staggering. Today’s guest, Laurel Bunker, VP of Christian Formation and Church Relations at Bethel University in Minneapolis, Minnesota says moms are still a central influence in the lives of their children even after they leave home for college. Laurel explains the best steps parents can take as they help their student select schools and prepare them to launch, including a few difficult training conversations that must take place.

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Moms in Prayer College Ministry:

Moms Praying for College Students

Ministries and Websites Discussed:

Every Campus Movement

Ratio Christi Campus Apologetics Alliance

Christian groups on campuses

Ravi Zacharias’ training ministry for students

Summit Ministries

About our Guest:

Laurel Bunker is the Associate VP of Christian Formation and Church Relations at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. As campus pastor, Laurel serves as the primary preacher in chapel and leads a team that is dedicated to providing transformational ministry opportunities for the Bethel community. She is a member of the President’s Executive Leadership Team, providing strategic guidance on issues related to the spiritual formation and personal development of the student body. She also teaches and trains at colleges, churches, and para-church organizations in the areas of leadership, spiritual development, biblical issues in the 21st-century, and more. Laurel and her husband, Joshua, have two daughters.