You’ve likely felt it. Absolute desperation on a prayer need for your child.
Needing the power of the body of Christ to lift you, your child, and your need up to the throne where we find grace and help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
When my son had just been diagnosed with ADD, depression, anxiety, and a learning disability fifteen years ago, I felt like if I could not get to my Moms in Prayer group each week I would not be able to breathe. Hearing moms pray for my son, in ways only the Holy Spirit could have directed them, felt like an elephant had been let off my chest. Seeing how God purposefully paired me with other moms who had gone before me in this journey and could pray from experience, insight, failure, and success was amazing to watch. Thank You, Jesus!
This week, that son, now in the first year of his career, was prompted to post on his Facebook page, an honest, heart-wrenching account of what his life had been like with this struggle.
“I hated life, I hated that I couldn’t ‘just be normal,’ or ‘grow up’ or ‘just pay attention Will, it’s not that hard’ or ‘quit being stupid’ or ‘why can’t you be like the other kids.’ Socially I was made fun of, academically I struggled and had to work ten times harder to overcome these challenges, and mentally I was completely drained. But it was all worth it. God has shown me so much through it and made me a stronger person. Honestly, looking back, ADHD has been a blessing in disguise.”
I took the opportunity on his social media page to thank many of the Moms in Prayer women who had prayed for him over the years.
The feedback to his post has been amazing and so encouraging to others going through this struggle.
Women, we have an amazing thing in our Moms in Prayer groups. Praising God to lift our eyes off our own burdens and onto the God who can and will handle them. Confessing silently our shortcomings and positioning ourselves to receive his forgiveness. Giving thanks, which not only helps us develop an attitude of gratitude and watchfulness, but which gives others hope as they wait for answers. Standing in the gap, sometimes with gut-wrenching, tears-falling intercession for our precious children and our “children-in-prayer.”
Another benefit of praying in a Moms in Prayer group is that you have a network of moms whose hearts beat like yours. When my son Will moved 382.4 miles away (but who’s counting?) to start his career, he was in a small town lacking a church with a vital young adult ministry. When I learned he was willing to drive up to an hour away to find this, I reached out via social media to Moms in Prayer moms in the area. I was connected with a local mom who recommended a church and invited Will to meet her there and come over for lunch. The rest is history. He is connected, growing, and thriving!
Jesus, thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit which now is our intercessor and advocate before the Father (John 16:7 AMP). “So too the Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weaknesses; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplications and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance (Romans 8: 26 AMP, emphasis mine).
Ladies there are desperate needs on our campuses, not only for your students and their peers but for administrators, staff, professors and the campus culture at large.
I pray that my son’s testimony on the far side of those years of prayers will be encouragement for you and your group as you gather to pray each week.
- What answers to prayer might we see fifteen years from now?
- What testimony might we be able to give?
- What intercession can you offer today that the Holy Spirit will go to meet and plead on our behalf?
Thanking God for Moms in Prayer!
Connect with Julie and find Monthly Prayer Points, encouragement and social media updates on the College Praying Moms page!
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Julie Loos
Julie Loos is a writer and speaker with a passion for prayer for the college campus and apologetics training for our youth. She’s also an activist for stemming the tide of the youth exodus from the faith. She worked for five years on the national staff for the campus apologetics ministry Ratio Christi. As part of a writing team, Julie will release Mama Bear Apologetics 11 Cultural Lies (and How to Keep Your Kids from Swallowing Them) in Spring 2019. Julie is in her 17th year with Moms in Prayer International and currently serves as the College Groups Liaison, equipping moms monthly in how to pray strategically for the college campuses using her apologetics training and insight.