Homeschool mom prayer

Prayer that Impacts Families’ Lives

When I decided to homeschool my son for first grade back in 2007, I couldn’t imagine doing it without prayer and support from others. I had heard of Moms in Prayer through a friend, so I signed up to start my own group and met weekly with two veteran homeschoolers.

Over the next fifteen years of homeschooling my two children, I experienced the incredible blessing of meeting and praying with dozens of other moms for a local school as well as praying for their children and my own.

Two Friendships That Stand Out Among Many

The first is a long-time relationship with a dear friend who has held on to the Lord tightly as her children faced trauma and turmoil.

Patti and I met when I was in college. She and her husband attended our wedding almost thirty years ago and today we’re in a writing group together.

Although we were in a Moms in Prayer group together for only one season, we’ve stayed in contact and prayed for each other’s children whom I have known since her youngest was only a baby. Patti is a faithful servant who keeps her eyes fixed on Jesus. She has encouraged me and led me to the Lord in prayer repeatedly, sometimes with only a word or two. Meeting and praying with women like Patti is one of the great benefits of being in a Moms in Prayer group.

To know that women like Patti pray for my kids gives me great comfort, especially when I’m worried about my children or have difficulty communicating with them.

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14 NIV

The second relationship that impacted both our families deeply is a friendship for my son that developed through Moms in Prayer.

Common with homeschooling families, I found myself waiting all day at the ski lodge while my son was skiing. A brother and sister also joined the homeschool ski club, but had never been on skis before. My son Cody took charge and offered to teach them how to ski.

I met their mom and we spent every Monday together that winter at the lodge getting to know one another. Soon, we started a Moms in Prayer group and prayed together regularly for two years. When tragedy hit this family, I sensed something was wrong before I heard the news that her husband had suddenly died.

The brother and sister, Ian & Rebekah, became a regular part of our lives and came over every Saturday night. That is when the Lord led me to start a fellowship group for teens and young adults.

We have had the privilege of seeing Ian & Rebekah graduate high school and go off to college. Over these past five years, we have hosted Rebekah’s going-away party and Ian’s birthday and graduation parties. Whenever possible they return to our house Saturday nights for fellowship and comfort.

Today, as I write this, Ian is looking for work in our area and visiting us for a few days.

Through the act of praying regularly in Moms in Prayer, a deep friendship developed between our children and a close bond between our families.

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:9-13 NIV

Dear Lord, please fill every mom who reads this with peace and understanding. Give her wisdom to guide her children towards You as she teaches them, leads them, and instills in them understanding of Your Word. Through the blessings and challenges of homeschooling or sending her kids to school, I pray that she is joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. Amen.

I encourage you to join a Moms in Prayer group or start one if you cannot find a group that fits with your schedule. All you need is one other mom who is available to meet with you regularly. The impact you will have on your kids and on the school you pray for will be immeasurable. The time you spend praying for a local school and for one another’s children will change the way you think, act, and pray.

M.J. Claus spent sixteen years homeschooling her two children. She has served many homeschool organizations, including the state-wide homeschool coalition board, and supported Moms in Prayer International by leading local groups and serving as area coordinator. Together, M.J. and her husband own and operate an architectural design business. She is also secretary for The Institute for Classical Culture and a member of Line-it-Up Writers group in Dover, New Hampshire. Her first book has just been published, Rescue Your Child’s Education Now: Foster Lifelong Learning Through Homeschooling. When M. J. is not writing or gardening, she likes to cuddle with her cats, have tea with friends, and go mushroom hunting with her husband in their Mini Cooper. You can reach M.J. at