Praying for a child with a disability

Victorious in Prayer for Children with Special Needs

As a young mom of three special-need children with a special needs husband living in a challenging situation, a friend invited me to come to Moms in Prayer. The mom who hosted that group had a large home where the kids could play in the family room while moms prayed together in the living room and kitchen.

Having other moms help me learn God’s attributes of Provider, Defender, and other character traits, and learning to pray God’s Word, calmed my heart and mind as we focused on God’s ability rather than my inability and confusion.

I started to realize that my inability provided opportunity for God’s ability to work out the details for what we needed.

Prayers for guidance for doctors, therapists, helping my daughter stay on task with her vision therapy and teaching her to read, were lifted up. Walking through the very difficult pregnancy with my son who had Trisomy 13 and helping my other son navigate his diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome and ADHD, my Moms in Prayer groups held me up as we prayed through each challenge.

I felt after each prayer time that God had heard and was working out the specifics. School challenges smoothed out. Needed opportunities for rest and refreshment presented themselves.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” I’ve learned that sometimes when I’m beating my head against one door, God redirects me to find a new door.

My children are adults now and have far surpassed what many people thought they would be capable of doing. That is all glory to God. Now I share Moms in Prayer wherever I go because I meet moms and grandmothers who also need God’s help.

I’ve seen God’s faithfulness for me and my family and I’m confident others will experience this too.


LORD, We praise You because You are Almighty God. You make stumbling blocks into stepping stones. (Isaiah 57:14). You make rough places smooth. You guide our steps with Light from Your Word. (Psalm 119:105) You are our Good Shepherd who cares more about the “lambs” that You entrusted to us than we can understand. (Isaiah 40:11)

Forgive us when we forget to put our trust in You. Forgive us when we listen to the voices that try to undermine or even destroy our efforts to lead and raise our kids. Grant us courage to renounce what is false and hold fast to what is true as we put on the full armor of God every day (Ephesians 6:10-18). Thank You that the Holy Spirit prays and intercedes for us when we don’t how or what to say (Romans 8:26). Thank You for bringing people to help when we are exhausted and don’t know what to do. Thank You for being patient and kind as we learn to trust You daily for what we and our children need.

Thank You for Moms in Prayer and the opportunity to meet and pray each week to hold our kids up to You, knowing that You can do what we cannot. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Jeanne’ Mirgon has a B.A. in Education and Home Economics. She has raised three children to adulthood, primarily homeschooling them, until they went to college. She honed her research skills and her sense of humor, looking for answers to special needs challenges including Strabismus, Autism, ADHD, Trisomy-13, Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Concussion Syndrome. Through these many opportunities she learned the essentials of the importance of praying God’s Word as she sought the answers and courage to do the next right thing. She enjoys going to the ocean, especially Cannon Beach Conference Center, which connected her with much help and training through the years. She loves to travel domestically and internationally, reading, gardening and jamming with Old Time Fiddlers and friends. She heard about Moms in Prayer years ago on a Focus on the Family broadcast hosted by Dr. James Dobson. She has led groups in Washington state and is currently helping to start groups in Idaho. When not traveling, visiting her adult children, or fiddling, she and her husband Jeff of 43 years can be found on their hobby farm in Idaho gardening with their Corgi, Lady and Golden-Doodle, Buddy.

Comments 2

  1. Jeanne’!! Your story includes and inspires so much hope!! Thank you for being a STELLAR sharer of Moms in Prayer!! Idaho is so grateful for you!!

    1. Thanks Karla! The really funny thing is that it didn’t occur to me that my kids were special needs because I wasn’t focused on that.

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