What Would You Do With One Free Hour?

What if you were given the gift of one free hour?

No work allowed. No distractions. Whatever you wanted to do.

How would you spend it?

Watch Netflix or browse Facebook? A relaxing bubble bath or a nap?

How would it feel? Would it be like pausing the manic Merry-Go-Round of your busy life?

Would it refresh and renew you, giving you a new energy and perspective on life? What would be the lasting effect of that hour?

Now what if that one hour was spent with the Supreme Ruler of the universe who also happens to be Your Loving Daddy? There’s an immediate benefit, but also an eternal one. And the benefits are not just for you… they are also for your kids, your community, and God’s kingdom!

When you make that choice to get off of the busy roller coaster of your life for one hour a week to pray with Christian sisters in a Moms in Prayer group , the return on investment is incalculable. When I pray, my attitude is changed as I focus on God.

Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.  Psalm 90:12 (HCSB)

I may be given wisdom and discernment for a decision. I may receive God’s peace to replace the anxiety I carried in with me. Often, there’s the feeling of a burden lifted or shared.

And the gifts from this hour are not just for me! I have the privilege of encouraging other women that I pray with and helping to carry their burdens and hold up their arms in prayer. I can impact my children, my school, and my community by calling on God’s unlimited power and love.

Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (HCSB)

Our prayers reach around the world as we pray for every school in the world to be covered in prayer!

Unlike a bubble bath or nap, the impact of an hour of prayer with God is lasting.

Prayers are never just water down the drain. They are more like a seed that is planted by you. God takes that seed, grows it, and causes its fruit to bless generations to come.

Let’s plant seeds of prayer through that one hour each week!

Tell us how that one hour of prayer with other moms has impacted you! Comment below.

Carla Morgan is the Moms in Prayer Missouri State Coordinator. She started praying for her kids and their schools in 2002 when her first child was entering kindergarten. Carla and her husband Lionel have been married since 1986 and are blessed with two wonderful children, Ben and Amy. God is guiding Carla and Lionel through a new life phase of college, approaching empty nest, and retirement. She loves spending time with her family and enjoying the beauty and diversity of God’s creation.