Moms meet at college campus to prayer walk

When a Mom Perseveres in Hope & Prayer

I was not a person who prayed with people or out loud. So, when I first heard about Moms in Prayer, I felt intimidated. I didn’t grow up doing anything like that.

I was invited to a group when my girls were in kindergarten. Although intrigued, I thought, “I don’t know how to pray out loud with people!” Finally, as God was pressing me to join, the group leader and I got to know one another better. She suggested, “Just come and check it out. You don’t need to pray out loud.” The enemy tried to prevent me from going that day, but I persevered.

Gradually, I learned how to pray out loud and later, God gave me confidence to lead a Moms in Prayer group for the elementary school.

I also prayed with middle and high school groups. Once my twin daughters were headed to college, I knew I couldn’t stop praying. They needed my prayers more than ever!

I wanted to pray with moms that also had kids at Hope College in Michigan, but realized we could be scattered across the country. I was connected with another mom through a post on the Moms in Prayer College Group Facebook page. More connections were made from there, including a praying mom’s son who sent a message to friends, who shared with their moms. I started the group and now nine of us pray together via Zoom! Is anything too hard for the Lord?

The most significant thing you can do when your kids are in school, is to pray for them. Otherwise, as moms, we go crazy thinking about how things will work out right in their lives. In Moms in Prayer, we insert our children’s names into Scripture, knowing that we’re praying God’s will and His promises for them.

My twin daughters are 9 hrs and 2 states away at Hope College, yet I have so much peace about them.

In March, our college Moms in Prayer group decided to meet in person in Holland, Michigan to prayer walk Hope College campus. The moms in our group came from Minnesota, Idaho, Illinois and parts of Michigan. It was great to see each other face to face after we had been praying on Zoom since December. Thanks to Cindy, who is a member of our prayer group and also worked on campus, we were able to have brunch with Trygve Johnson, Dean of the Chapel and Head of Campus Ministries. He shared his prayer requests with us and the vision he has for Hope College. This was the morning of our prayer walk so we had specific requests for the prayer time on campus!

Trygve wrote an inspiring Facebook post and blog, titled Moms Who Pray. Read the excerpt and be greatly encouraged:

“Last weekend I spent time with a group of moms, who flew into Holland from various places around the country – for the sole purpose to pray for Hope College, its leadership, and students who attend Hope. It was one of the more encouraging moments of this difficult season. They were so eager to know how they could best pray for Hope’s campus. I mean, these moms PRAY! It was beautiful to experience them become friends in person, and who at the same time are held together in prayer.

I take seriously moms who pray. In my experience, A mother who with regularity intercedes and advocates for her children, families, and communities in prayer is a power and force to honor.

Prayer does not require an advanced degree, a title, or any kind of special training. It simply requires love. A praying mom is one, who I believe, is at the heart of the Christ.

I was blessed to be raised by a praying mom and it made all the difference in my life – and the life of our family. These moms I was with this weekend requested to meet with me to simply hear what is on my heart, and to know how best to pray for me, my marriage and family, Hope College, and our ministry. What struck me was their spiritual seriousness and dependence on God. There was a sincerity in them that was disarming. I was inspired by their faith and faithfulness.

I applaud all the moms and I especially celebrate those moms who pray. If you are mom, I encourage you to keep praying. The Lord hears you. Don’t lose heart. The Lord hears your tear-soaked prayers – and He does not ignore you. Never cease and never give up praying for your loved ones. It may just make all the difference for them and this world God so loves!”

Read the full blog, Moms Who Pray, by Trygve Johnson
Facebook Page for Hope College Campus Ministries

When I returned from Michigan, I shared Trygve’s message with my Moms in Prayer high school group. Three of the moms who also have kids in college, were spurred on to join or start Moms in Prayer college groups!

Through all of this, I realized the importance of persevering in first joining a Moms in Prayer group, then leading, then starting one of my own. God takes us deeper into relationship with Him then calls us to guide other moms into a flourishing prayer life that affects so many others.

You can impact not only your children, but the entire school through prayer! What an opportunity to help change students’ futures, including teachers, staff, professors and administrators! You become a part of God calling them to salvation, working through believers for His Kingdom purposes, and impacting many other lives for Christ.

Lisa Casper prays Bible verses for her children in schoolLisa has been married to Aaron for 23 years. They have four children, twin 19 year old girls in their first year of college, a 17 year old daughter who is a senior in high school, and a 11 year old son who is in 6th grade. All of the kids attended a Spanish immersion school and have learned to speak Spanish since Kindergarten. Lisa is a stay-at-home mom and has been involved with Moms in Prayer for the last 13 years. She leads Moms in Prayer groups for an elementary school and for Hope College. She’s also a member of a high school group. In addition, Lisa co-leads a Mother/Daughter Discipleship ministry that helps moms learn how to have purposeful and meaningful conversations, develop strong and open relationships with their daughters, and bring the truth of the Word about biblical womanhood to their daughters’ hearts. Contact Lisa at