“God wants us to lean into Him. He wants us to begin by knowing that we are not enough to do this. We need Him. We need His strength, His power, His daily grace and sustenance.” Author Catherine Claire Larson …
Prepare the Way of the Lord
“God WILL fulfill what He has promised.” Today Aubrie reads from Luke 1 to share the story leading up to Jesus’ birth. The promise of the one to come before Jesus, John the Baptist, was to prepare the way of …
Trusting God’s Plan for our Kids’ Lives
There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours. All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great …
Parenting with Grace
“Allow yourself to be so filled up with the truth of God’s Word, that there’s not space for the lies to take up residence.” New York Times bestselling author and podcast host, Crystal Paine, shares about her motherhood journey and …
Grace is Greater
“Grace has nothing to do with worthiness. Grace does not depend on what we have done for God, but rather what God has done for us.” Award-winning author, renowned theologian, and influential speaker, Philip Yancey, reminds us of God’s amazing …
Imperfect Gifts During Advent
My sister paused mid-rip of the wrapping paper, the package beneath not yet fully exposed. “What’s that smell?” We all took a sniff. Nothing seemed amiss in the cozy living room—the tree sparkled, tall and proud, and piles of packages …
Does God Answer Our Prayers?
“Moms in Prayer is a place I regularly come to be vulnerable. I can bring my heavy heart, my burdens, my fears, my tears, and my praises. I’ve said often that Moms in Prayer is the most influential ministry I’ve …
Pray Your Prodigal Home
“You’re not at war with your prodigal, you’re at war with the enemy out to kill, steal, and destroy them. And when you realize that, that’s when you start praying because nothing else will bring them home.” Best-selling, award-winning author, …
3 Important Prayers to Bless Your Holidays
“I conclude then that the gratitude my heart feels increases and remains firm when meditating on the greatness of God, Creator of heaven and earth, of the visible and invisible.” In today’s episode, Aubrie shares testimonies and encouragement from a …
God’s Life Lessons Taught on the Field
In the South, Friday night lights come on in football stadiums in every state and neighbors, community members, parents, grandparents, and other relatives come to cheer on the home team. Having been raised in the South on football, I was …