God is Moving Through Collegiate Prayer

God is moving on college campuses across America. Today Lee is joined by Moms in Prayer College Group Liaison, Julie Loos, to discuss the latest happenings, and the Collegiate Day of Prayer, February 27, 2020.

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Website and Resources:

Moms in Prayer College Praying Moms

Join or Start a Moms in Prayer College Group

Collegiate Day of Prayer 40-day prayer guide

Monthly College Newsletter / Prayer Points

College Praying Moms Facebook page

Listen to other episodes with Julie  here: Episode 36 and Episode 54

Campus Ministries:

Collegiate Day of Prayer:  A united, multi-generational day of prayer for revival and awakening on college campuses in America.

Every Campus:  Mobilizing Prayer & Gospel Communities on Every Campus

Together 2020:  Event, June 20, 2020 Washington, D.C.  Together 2020 will unleash a generation to pursue their passions and influence for the Gospel.

Year of the Bible:  Through this global campaign, Year of the Bible aims to drive a conversation to reframe Scripture—to compel people to look again, engage with the Bible themselves, and BE INSPIRED.

Claim Your Campus:  Empowers High School & Middle School Students to Begin Praying for Change. CLAIM YOUR CAMPUS 2020 Event – Kansas City, KS July 3-5: An unprecedented event to empower, equip and engage young people to transform the nation through prayer.

Julie Loos is in her seventeenth year of leadership with Moms in Prayer International. Formerly the Missouri State Coordinator, she currently serves as the national College Groups Liaison, equipping thousands of moms monthly in how to pray strategically for the college campus using her apologetics training and insight. Julie is a writer and speaker. She’s also an activist for stemming the tide of the youth exodus from the faith and worked for five years on the national staff for the campus apologetics ministry Ratio Christi. She is currently the Director of Prayer and Communications for Mama Bear Apologetics and contributed to their book Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies.