“The blueprint for Moms in Prayer that God gave Fern Nichols 35 years ago is absolutely unchanged. It’s unchanged because it’s based on Scripture and Scripture hasn’t changed.” USA Country Coordinator, Susan Shepherd, and host Lee Nienhuis, kick off our …
Smartphones for Smart Families
Have you been thinking about how much time your son or daughter spends on the cell phone? You’re not alone. Technology is changing so fast today that parents are challenged with questions like, “When should I get a smartphone for …
Catching Up with Alex & Stephen Kendrick
Today we catch up Alex and Stephen Kendrick, producers of movie hits like War Room, Facing the Giants, and Courageous. We get a peek into their process for discerning their next project (hint-it involves a lot of prayer), how their …
Growing Up MIP
Today Lee sits down with Aubrie Burke, daughter of Moms in Prayer President, Sally Burke, to talk about growing up as a Moms in Prayer kid. Aubrie shares about the gift of having a mom who prays, the time her …
Where is Your Lasting Hope in an Uncertain World?
“Did you have a good weekend?” This is the most common Monday question among colleagues and friends everywhere. My answer this past Monday was “NO, I did not.” You see at about midnight the Friday before, I awoke to a …
Mama Bear Apologetics
“Teach your kids how to think through and address the issues of the day head-on.” Today’s guests, Hillary Morgan Ferrer and Julie Loos of Mama Bear Apologetics, talk with Lee about the normative exposure of kids to false worldviews and …
Summer Happenings 2019
You don’t want to miss this brief update about all the new and exciting things we have in store for you from Moms in Prayer! Listen in: Download this episode Show Notes: New Logo unveiled June 18th! Sign-up for the …
11 Fun Ways to Help a Child Think Creatively
Everyone is creative. Everyone. Even your child. Even YOU. A child doesn’t have to be particularly gifted to be creative. Creatives aren’t just artists or musicians, and creativity doesn’t require unlimited resources nor a disregard for self-control or limits, either. …
Praying A to Z for Your Community
Our kids can learn to love prayer. Today’s guest, Amelia Rhodes, describes how an Amber Alert in the night awoke her from sleep to pray, quite literally. Since then, she has found a way to make praying for her friends …
Meet Moms in Prayer Central American Director
“Sister, you are the one. You will be praying with the moms.” Thirteen years ago, Diana DeFouler rose to her pastor’s challenge to begin a prayer group using the Moms in Prayer Booklet. From that surprising start, God has used …