“The students were not only trusting God, but they were expecting something to happen.” Are you ready to hear the testimony of what happened when God used students to wake a nation? Today Stacy welcomes the regional director of the …
Steadfast Prayer
“Never, never, never give up praying for your children.” Why? Because our faithful God hears and answers prayer! Today Stacy speaks with Moms in Prayer Uganda Country Coordinator, Jessica Okello. She is here to share one jaw dropping testimony of …
Family Time With Jesus
“One of the most precious things is when you hear kids pray.” Today Stacy speaks with Andy Dooley. Andy is family man, an author and a fitness coach. He is here to share his heart for the Lord and his …
Praying in Tears
In our Moms in Prayer group, we come before God crying out against the bondages of sin over our children. We dare to believe that our God is greater than our sins and in Jesus’ name, we break strongholds to set …
Teaching Our Children to Praise
“Because He is a good God, there is always a reason to praise Him.” Today Stacy talks with worship leader, author and pastor’s wife, Lauren Chandler. She is here to share her heart for worship through her beautiful new children’s …
3 Important Prayers at Thanksgiving
As we approach another Thanksgiving, I encourage you to think about the important things you want your loved ones to know. Thanksgiving 2021 was a quiet family gathering for us. Our two adult children and my 87-year-old parents joined us for …
Fighting the Good Fight
“God doesn’t waste anything and you know for certain He is going to use everything.” What a comfort to know! Today Stacy welcomes Jonathan Evans to the podcast. Not only is he a pastor and an author, but Jonathan is …
Breaking the Cycle of Worry
“God has already given His best for me so I can trust Him with the rest of me.” What a beautiful truth to hold on to! Today Stacy talks with Louie Giglio. Not only is he a pastor and national …
Intentionally Sharing the Gospel with Children
We know you thoughtfully pray over your children and that your heart overflows for your kids and their friends to know Jesus, but sometimes it can be hard to specifically talk to them about the Gospel message. We get it! …
Prayer, Purpose & Promise
“The moment we step in and have time with the Lord in prayer is when we see mountains moved and lives changed.” Prayer is powerful! Today Stacy welcomes Shari Rigby to the podcast. Shari is an actress, director, writer, producer, …