Being raised in a home that was not Christian, I knew nothing about prayer when I came to faith in Christ as a young adult, age 25. Even just saying grace over a meal was a learning experience. I knew …
Taste and See
“God never just fills our bellies. He fills our homes. He fills our hearts.” What a privilege to taste and see God’s goodness! Today Stacy welcomes Erin Davis to the podcast. Erin is an author, Bible teacher, fellow podcast host …
Prayer that Impacts Families’ Lives
When I decided to homeschool my son for first grade back in 2007, I couldn’t imagine doing it without prayer and support from others. I had heard of Moms in Prayer through a friend, so I signed up to start …
Student Missionaries
“Instead of school just being a place where students have to be, it’s a place where God has sent them.” What an inspired way to look at the school year! Today Stacy speaks with Travis Deans, Northeast Regional Coordinator for …
Equipping & Sending Gen Z
“Gen Z is a cause-oriented generation; we just need to help them see that there is no greater cause than the kingdom of God and the Great Commission.” Today Stacy talks with Shane Pruitt, evangelist, Bible teacher, and author. Shane …
God Gives Strength to Mothers
When our eldest daughter was getting ready to deliver her first born twins, I half-jokingly cautioned her that “motherhood was the hardest job she will ever love.” Sure enough, for the next three months, I was able to help her …
Ever Present Help
“The God who saves us initially, sustains us eternally.” How does He do this? Through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Today Stacy’s special guest is Max Lucado. Max is a pastor, teacher and America’s best-selling inspirational author. …
Love That Casts Out Fear
“If we can identify ourselves as someone Jesus loves first and foremost, everything else will live out of response to that love.” His love changes everything! Today Stacy welcomes the one and only Susie Larson to the podcast. Susie is …
Bringing Children to Jesus
“Just get the Word of God in kids’ hearts and it changes things.” Yes it does! God’s Word gets right to the heart of the matter. Today Stacy speaks with Executive Director of Bible2School, Kori Pennypacker. Listen in as Kori …