Six years ago my daughter started a new school. I dropped her off one Wednesday morning and decided to go to my first Moms in Prayer meeting. Listening to the moms pour out their hearts on behalf of their children and the …
Godly Counsel for Raising Daughters
“At the end of the day, a moms voice is really powerful in her daughter’s life.” How do we use that voice to love and raise our daughters well? Today Stacy talks with Terra Mattson, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, …
Letting Go and Trusting
“It’s scary to be vulnerable, to come as we are, yet that’s the beautiful invitation of trust.” Why do we struggle to trust our trustworthy God? Today Stacy speaks with best-selling author, Bible teacher, and pastor’s wife, Joanna Weaver. Listen …
A Peaceful Home During Back to School
For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33a Parenting can be stressful, especially as we all prepare for back to school. There’s so much change. But with God, all things are possible—we can find …
Blessing Our Schools With Prayer
“Looking at our world today, I can’t think of a better time to be praying for our schools and a more strategic mission field.” Today Stacy is joined by David Schmus, Executive Director of Christian Educators and Olivia Williamson, Director …
Connecting With Our Children
“I am a mom. That’s my first mission field.” And what an important mission field that is! Today Stacy talks with the one and only Dannah Gresh, best-selling author, speaker, founder of True Girl and Moms in Prayer mom. Listen …
Praying Moms & Heroes of Faith
“She realized the best thing she could do was pray.” Today Stacy is joined by Bible college professor, speaker and fellow podcast host, Jasmine Alnutt. She is going to take us on an amazing journey through church history looking at …
Give Kids Courage This School Year
I started a Moms in Prayer group when my daughter, Carissa, was entering middle school five years ago. It was a public school and one other mom joined me in prayer. We were just two praying moms asking God to …
Moms Making a Difference
“Of all the things I did for my children, praying for them and teaching them scripture were the two most important.” On today’s episode, Stacy speaks with Pam Tebow, author, speaker, and mom of five. It will not take you …
The God of All Comfort
“Come as you are. The more you pour out what is going on, the more space you make for His grace to pour in.” What a beautiful reason to pour our hearts out before the Lord in prayer! On today’s …