“The safest place to run with our brokenness is to the feet of Jesus.” Listen in as Stacy continues the Moms in the Bible series welcoming back our friend, author, and speaker, Lee Nienhuis. As we walk through the stories …
High School Students Hunger for God
Sometimes we don’t get to see or hear results from our prayers for the schools. This time was different. Recently, I received three separate emails to let me know about great things happening at Franklin and Page high schools in …
Hope for the Mom who is Discouraged
“God listens and understands. Isn’t that what we all desire? To have somebody listen and understand our pain.” We are continuing our Moms in the Bible Series with Barb Cole, the Moms in Prayer Mid Atlantic Division Coordinator. You‘re not …
Hope for the Mom who has Meddled
“There is no problem so big that God cannot fix it.” Hallelujah! We are continuing our Moms in the Bible podcast series with Marta Gemelli, Moms in Prayer Great Lakes Division Coordinator. What encouragement we are going to hear as …
Month of the Military Child
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV ) Trusting God to guide our paths …
Hope for the Mom who Feels Invisible
“God is going to give us faith building opportunities to show us who He is.” Today we continue our Moms in the Bible Series with host Stacy and guest Joy Moreau, Moms in Prayer Appalachian Division Coordinator. Listen in as …
The Hill We’ve Been Climbing
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 (ISV) The other day as I was heading out in my car, I …
Hope for the Mom who is Brokenhearted
“He is the God of comfort and the ultimate comfort is the hope we have for our future.” Today, we continue our Moms in the Bible Series with host Stacy and Pat Kenney, Moms in Prayer Northeast Division Coordinator. Listen …
When a Mom Perseveres in Hope & Prayer
I was not a person who prayed with people or out loud. So, when I first heard about Moms in Prayer, I felt intimidated. I didn’t grow up doing anything like that. I was invited to a group when my …
Hope for the Mom Facing Impossibilites
“God is trustworthy. When He makes a promise, He will keep it.” We continue our Moms in the Bible Series: Hope for Every Need. You don’t want to miss a moment of this powerful, encouraging episode as Stacy talks with …