“Discipline is an opportunity to point our children to Jesus.” Have you ever thought about discipline this way? Today Lee sits down with Ginger Hubbard, bestselling author and speaker, to discuss the common discipline mistakes parents make and to point …
Embracing Racial Unity
“If the gospel is true, reconciliation on earth is always possible.” With racial tension on every side, moms must ask, “How do I teach my child about the beauty of diversity?” Today Lee sits down with author Trillia Newbell to …
Life’s Potholes: Gaining Confidence to Move Forward
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. Hebrews 10:35-36 (NKJV) In our daily lives, we …
Saying Yes to God’s Next Step
“I expected, as I prayed, that my family would be blessed, but I didn’t expect to be so personally blessed.” Today, Lee sits down with Moms in Prayer Southern California State Coordinator, Stacy Callender, to hear how God has faithfully …
When You Love A Prodigal
Loving a prodigal is a long and desperate journey, a time that can be filled with fear, anger, self-doubt and shame. Today, Lee sits down with Judy Douglass, the wife of CRU President Steve Douglass, to talk about praying for …
Praying for India and Asia
How does Moms in Prayer work in countries where believers in Christ are the very small minority, and how do moms pray when their children may be persecuted for their faith? Today, Lee is joined by Moms in Prayer’s Asian …
Praying for America
The pandemic did not stop the global movement of Moms in Prayer, and it certainly did not stop American mothers for interceding for their children and the world. Today, Lee is joined by USA Country Coordinator Susan Shepherd and Global …
6 Lessons from the Birth of Jesus
Our most popular blog for Christmas and also timely in a year of pandemic: What I love about this time of the year is that I can walk into almost any store or doctor’s office and hear music about the …
Praying for South America
The COVID pandemic took many mother’s desperate situations and made them infinitely more complicated. Today, Lee sits down with our South America Director Veronica Vanzetti, and Venezuela Country Coordinator, Deisy Ordoñez, to talk about the power of prayer and the …
Praying for Central America
When mothers struggle to meet the most basic needs their families face, they find hope in the God who hears. Today, Lee sits down with Central America Director, Diana de Fouler, to talk about the struggles and victories moms across …