In the Book of John, chapter 11, Jesus says to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” Martha was the woman who served her brother and sister …
Strengthened By His Spirit
“The Holy Spirit was sent so we can still experience a life full of God’s love and His closeness.” What a gift Jesus has given to us as His followers! Today Stacy sits down with bestselling author and creator of …
Easter Devotion for Families
“I have learned to really esteem the role God has given parents and teachers.” Today, Stacy talks with author and Bible teacher Barbara Reaoch about passing on the power of God’s living word to our children. What a privilege to …
What if I Trusted God for THIS?
This life is not easy. We were told we would face trouble. So why are we surprised when we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders, great heartache, regrets, and daily problems? Jesus himself said, “I have told …
Praying Through the Psalms
“Isn’t this exactly what the Psalmists did? They cried out to the Lord for help in the midst of danger and war.” What a timeless gift the Psalms are! Each one offers a glimpse into what a close and deeply …
Defeating Giants
“We don’t have to fear. We can come under the umbrella of God who says, ‘Take Me with you in this.’” What a gift to know God is always with us! Today Stacy sits down with author, speaker and Bible …
3 Reasons to Try Moms in Prayer
As a young mom, I was intent on being the perfect Christian mom. I had very specific ideas about what that meant. Unfortunately, most of these ideas came from people who were imperfect! I didn’t really pray about it. I …
The Difference a Christian Educator Can Make
“If Jesus comes at the end of this school year, did we do all we were supposed to do?” What a great question! If this is our last school year to pray, to teach, to point the next generation to …
Revival on Every Campus
“Lord, we have seen Your awesome deeds. We have told the stories. Won’t You do it again?” This is what we are all praying for, that the revival and spiritual awakenings we have seen throughout history would happen again! Listen …
Teacher Testimonials You’ll Treasure
It’s winter in Minnesota and it’s COLD. I walk three miles outside on a regular basis in this tundra. It’s awesome! My friend taught me how to continue to exercise outside all winter long by dressing in layers. This reminds …