“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12b (NIV) My son was 15 years old when our lives were shaken to the core. He was spending the night at a friend’s house …
God is Raising Up Courageous Mothers Around the Globe
If a mom gets this little Moms in Prayer Booklet in her heart language, her country changes. In this episode, Marlae Gritter, former Director of Global Advancement for Moms in Prayer, talks about the courage of one biblical mama whose …
Instilling a Passion to Pray
Do you long for prayer to not only be your passion, but your children’s as well? Us, too. How do we teach our kids that prayer can be as natural as breathing. It begins by drip, drip, dripping prayer into …
Take Courage Moms!
Mom friends… I want to share my testimony with you. Moms in Prayer is spectacular, praying so devotedly and consistently for the children. I encourage you all to join and share this with others. God wants all mothers in the …
Starting THIS Moms in Prayer Year Strong
“Prayer for our children and schools has never been more vital than during this season of COVID-19. Our schools, administrators, parents and teachers must have the wisdom that comes from the Lord.” Today’s guest, USA Country Coordinator, Susan Shepherd, joins …
Guide Me to Intentional Prayer for My Children
“God, guide me in how to better pray for my children.” A direct answer to this prayer came the next day. I lead worship during the summer for a boat ministry in Alaska. Each Sunday morning the boat goes out …
The Opportunity to Homeschool
“You have been given a gift. You have extra time with your children.” Today’s guest, author and speaker, Todd Wilson says that embracing the opportunity parents have been given to virtual school or homeschool could bring a lasting change and …
Preparing to Launch Your Kids
Motherhood is filled with moments of letting go, from kindergarten to college. In this episode, Lee talks to author Brenda Yoder about preparing our kids for both the small launches and the big launches. It’s time to get real about …
COVID-19 & Our Family’s Mental Health
“We may be raising the most resilient generation this earth has seen in a long time because our kids are learning to do hard things young.” Today’s guest, author, mental health expert, and Moms in Prayer mom, Michelle Nietert, sits …
Only God Knows What Our Kids Need
See Spanish (Español) version below Certain prayers may seem insignificant to us, but in the Father’s eyes, are important to building our children’s character. I am a mother of three and understand the struggles of raising a child who has …