The task of parenting is both a daunting feat and an eternally purposed opportunity. Doubt, questions and panic quickly flood our hearts with worry. While our hearts know the supremacy and provision of God, our flesh desperately begs the questions …
Empty Nest, Full Life
The empty nest stage of life can sneak up on every mama and one of our core challenges will be to answer the following question: What do we hold onto in this next stage and what must we let go …
Baby Steps: Making Prayer a Priority
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12 My life was changed forever by one prayer. Since that one prayer, more have come, but that one in particular …
Raise Them Up with Sally Burke
Moms in Prayer equips mothers to pray at every stage of their mothering journey. Today, Lee is joined by Moms in Prayer President, Sally Burke, to discuss her new book Raise Them Up and three words that can change everything. …
Training Week Step Four: Intercession
“Praying scripturally using the Moms in Prayer pattern of intercession ensures we are covering much spiritual ground during our prayer times.” Today Lee is joined by former Division Coordinator Joy Moreau and former Arizona State Coordinator, Liz Arnold, to discuss …
Prayers That Will Change Your Daughter’s Life
It has been a year since Wynter Danielle Pitts passed away. A year since my wife’s physical human body graced this earth with her presence. In all respects, my family has put our hope into nothing less than Jesus Christ, …
Training Week Step Three: Thanksgiving
“Moms in Prayer women are the most thankful women I’ve ever been with because we practice giving thanks in everything!” Today, Lee Nienhuis is joined by Division Coordinators, Marcy Russo and Barb Cole, to talk about the life-changing benefits of …
Training Week Step Two: Confession
“We don’t want anything to quench or restrict our fellowship with Jesus.” Today Lee is joined by Division Coordinators Pat Kenny and Gayle Hadden to discuss the life-changing practice of silent confession, and why it is a part of our …
2 Prayers That Changed My 5 Year Old
I’ll never really know all that God saved my son from, but what I do know is that protection came through one thing: prayer. I visited my son at school during his lunch hour. Something about him seemed off lately. …
Training Week Step One: Praise
Praise transforms every situation, reminding us of God’s power and presence in every circumstance and moment our families face. Today Lee is joined by Division Coordinator, Marta Gemelli, and State Coordinator, Stacy Callender, in the first step of our Moms …